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Surrealism-Immortal Flower


HKD $ 100 449

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Product Details

[Surrealism-Immortal Flower]
The past, present and future of all things
accumulated after the reincarnation of growing and disappearing.
We cannot escape from reincarnation,
we cannot fight aging and our inevitable death,
we also cannot change the fact that we may rebirth as a new form.
Flowers and withered trees are usually used to represent the birth and end of a life. Women on the other hand are a symbol of the birth of a new life.
We combine the three elements,
using the surrealism technique,
to present a withered tree growing out a woman with flowers all over her body,
making other withered branches grow flowers again,
to show the cycle of birth, continuation, age, wither, and disappearance.
Therefore, we do not need to fear the birth and death of lfie,we should rather make ourselves stronger,
so we can leave something to the future when we leave the world temporarily

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